
We are so pleased to have Elaine as a tutor. She has been excellent for our son, who has already noticed a difference himself in his ability to answer English Language GCSE questions after just a few sessions. She tailors the lesson to suit his needs, is supportive and encouraging, gives clear, specific advice and guidance on text analysis and question answering and our son’s confidence has improved. We are very impressed with his progress so far and would definitely recommend her as a tutor. Thank you, Elaine!


Elaine is teaching my home-educated fourteen-year-old, the Year 10 and 11 GCSE syllabus in English Language and English Literature. She is an excellent tutor. She is professional, experienced and organised. She very quickly assessed my child`s learning style and adapted her own to suit. She is patient, kind, encouraging, understanding, supportive, and willing to go the extra mile. I have no hesitation in recommending Elaine. She is a real asset, and I feel very fortunate to have found her to tutor my child.


Not only is Elaine an extremely professional, knowledgeable tutor, she is also one of the nicest people that you could hope to meet. My Son really looks forward to his lessons with Elaine, plus he has a lovely bond with her.(Which we`ve never experienced with other tutors). Elaine always arrives promptly and prepared with well-planned lessons. She is very patient and has been extremely flexible with us. We hope to work with Elaine for many years to come!

Joanne, Simon and Josh 

Elaine is an exceptional and knowledgeable tutor. She helped my son for only a couple of sessions in order for him to have more confidence for his approaching A Level exam. It was obvious she did a great amount of preparation for these sessions and she gave him these flash cards and other photocopied resources for him to use. I would highly recommend Elaine. 


Elaine has been really great with Sam, kind and encouraging. His confidence is improving and he is engaging better with the work. 


Excellent tuition. My son is very pleased with how lessons are progressing and his grades have quickly improved. 


Elaine is a brilliant English tutor. She is encouraging, motivating and challenging in equal measure. Eliza benefited hugely from the time she spent with Elaine, gaining in confidence and ability both for exam papers and coursework.


Elaine tutored Molly for 2 years in English literature ALevels whilst she was at Stroud High School. She immediately established a good relationship with Molly which was warm and friendly as well as getting down to business. Molly looked forward to her tutoring every week and Elaine helped to improve her competence as well as her confidence in her ability. In particular Elaine identified early where help was needed and helped Molly to address specific issues, for example, using text examples to illustrate her points in essays. Elaine provided extra resources and went above and beyond the tutoring to help. Molly always regarded Elaine as a safe place to discuss and address her concerns about her essays and it built her confidence enormously. Molly really needed this as a contrast to some of the Stroud High teaching. If you can get a space for your child- grab it!!


Elaine is such a great teacher .. she reignited my daughter’s love for and interest in literature when she had become stale due to having to produce formulaic essays in preparation for A level. Elaine is warm and engaging and able to enthuse students through her own self evident passion for English. She has a calm and caring manner and truly seems able to get the most from her students. My daughter looked forward to her lessons with Elaine. I highly recommend her.


Elaine did an amazing job tutoring our son. She understood our son from the start and set up an excellent rapport with him so that he enjoyed going to her lessons. The tutoring was perfectly targeted and tailored for what kind of help he needed, what he needed to know and how he needed to say it, and included exam technique. The fact that, with under a year’s tutoring, our son went from a 5 before Christmas of his GCSE year to achieving a 7 in his final exams in both Language and Literature, speaks for itself – we are so grateful to her for making such a difference and thoroughly recommend her.  


Elaine is an excellent tutor. She is professional, experienced and organised. She is patient, kind, encouraging, understanding, supportive, and willing to go the extra mile. Elaine taught our home-educated daughter the year 10 and 11 GCSE syllabus in both English Language and Literature. She very quickly assessed our child’s learning style and adapted her own to suit. Under her tutelage our daughter gained excellent results in both subjects. Following GCSEs our daughter studied the Apprentice of Fine Arts in Creative Writing programme with Elaine, completing a two year course in one year and achieving an excellent result. We have no hesitation in recommending Elaine. We feel very fortunate to have found her to tutor our child. 

Rob & Jan

Having struggled with English since primary school, my son was resigned to the idea he would fail his English GCSE. Elaine’s approach was fantastic in turning things round, and she encouraged my son to become focussed, motivated and gain a sense of self belief. Thanks to Elaine’s tutoring, the outcome was a GCSE result two grades higher than predicted!
